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Flex™ has strong forage yields from the Pacific Northwest all the way into New York. It has shown to do well in the central and southern plains as well.
A facultative product with the ability to be planted north of I70 as a Spring type and south of TN, NC as a winter type.
Early maturity winter triticale. Excellent choice for silage in a double crop system with corn silage. Excellent leaf to stem ratio. Scout early to ensure timely harvest.
The dual planting window allows for use during spring or fall. High leaf to stem ratio, good winterhardiness.
A facultative triticale that can be planted in the spring or winter. It does not require vernalization. Adapted widely throughout the Pacific Northwest, Central Plains and Northern US.
Ace™ is a new triticale with medium maturity. It’s a true winter triticale.
Kicker™ is an awnless product that works in most areas of the US. It is facultative so you can plant in the fall or spring depending on your area.
Hybrid Flex™ triticale has above average winter hardiness and is a good option for double cropping.
Hybrid Surge™ triticale is an extremely early maturing triticale with double and triple cropping opportunities.
TriFecta™ is a winter hardy product with strong yield performance and very good forage quality.
KWS Bono is a dual-purpose hybrid from KWS breeding program & has unique drought tolerance for high grain yield on light soils especially when grown as a second cereal with a shorter canopy height.
Rye develops a very large roots system which help to improve the nutrient and water uptake and reduce the input requirement by 20% at same yield level as other winter cereals.
Piper Sudangrass is a high-performing Sorghum Sudangrass hybrid. Known for its impressive dry matter yields, Piper thrives under challenging conditions, showcasing unparalleled drought and heat tolerance.
This hybrid showcases a brachytic dwarf growth habit for compact, robust plants and features the BMR (Brown Midrib) trait for improved digestibility and nutritional value.
Dynamic growth and adaptability. Flourishes from early to mid-season with a quick 60-65 days to 50% anthesis, this hybrid reaches 6-8 ft. in height.